A Tourist Offering
Qui viennent et reviennent
Et au bord de la Seine
La vie, l’amour et le scientiste
Merchants of desire speak softly
‘Sooner or later soothing death’
Sweet mother
And the emptied trees between life and death
Arching black fingers to the gull filled air
Sweet mother these
immortal unremitting voices
that rise from the grey green waters
flecked and specked
churned by the passing boats
turned and white and rippling
Like the complex muscle of endeavor
Mythical in significance
Floating encrusted
Buried in the rose wood grain of hearts
In the vigorous energy of living portraits
In the mystic and in the sublime
And in the receding visions of half dawn and of the half light
in the dreams that reflect upon the soul,
mirrored light on unmoving water
Tulips of shadowless blue
I array and offer to you.